Personal Training
If you are in or around the Tulsa, Oklahoma area, we are available for Personal Training. All classes are restricted to no more than two (2) attendees. If you don't have the proper equipment prior to attendance, we will provide it. Details will be provided upon confirmation of your appointment.
Cost: $75 per person ($25 dollar per person deposit, remainder due at session)
Range fees not included
No more than 2 trainees per session
Pistol 1: New Pistol owner? New to Concealed Carry? (3 hours)
It's all about the basics here. In just 3 hours, you will learn to:
Grip your gun properly and control recoil
Understand aim & sight picture and eliminate beginner mistakes
Refine your trigger control for consistent target accuracy
Expand your shooting skills at home, no costly ammo required
Pistol 2: Next Level Shooting & Advanced Skills (3 hours)
Once you have graduated beyond the basics, this class will upgrade your skills and provide immediate improvement to your:
Draw stroke efficiency from holster
First shot from holster accuracy
Reload skills
Managing gun failure
Setting and achieving your goals to become a better shooter
Pistol 3: Self-Defense and Tactical-Focused Skills (3 hours)
At this point, attendees are proficient with their draw and accuracy. We can now focus on scenario-based training that covers:
Engaging threats from cover
Engaging multiple threats at close distance
Shoot & Move techniques
Basic Field Medical
Concealed Carry 1.5: Carry Basics (3 hours)
Now that you have committed to Conceal Carry, and you have taken at least a Pistol 1 class by a certified instructor, let's get you prepared to carry safely and effectively:
What position(s) to carry your pistol
Drawing from concealment and holstering safely
Situational awareness and when/why you deploy your pistol
Handling, clearing, and storing your carry pistol
Alternative carry techniques
Tactical Equipment: Pistol Upgrades, Belts, Holsters, and more (3 hours)
If you want to take your training to the next level, let's get you prepared with the proper equipment and know-how so you can make good decision on your rig and optimize your training experience:
The most effective pistol upgrades
Which belts and attachments are right for your needs
Which types of holsters optimize the shooter's experience
What basic medical should you carry
Situational rigs: What should I employ at the range, home defense, travel, or just commuting